Pierre Henry

This page, specifically dedicated to content searches, allows you to

- make a request from the full text search bar. The results page allows you to refine the results by activating the criteria in the right-hand column, and to sort the results by date or title,

- navigate directly in the records by selecting one or more criteria in the right-hand column.

Please note : the items are not translated.

Browse Items (1 total)

  • Essai informel autour d'éléments provenant des banques de sons éditées par Sound Ideas, Canada, Open/close series 9000 [1998]
    Date 1999
    Collection Ébauches et projets d’œuvres
    Genre de l'oeuvre Oeuvres de concert
Output Formats

atom, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2