Pierre Henry

Pierre Henry, born in 1927, was the first traditionally trained composer to join Pierre Schaeffer in the adventure of "musique concrète" (lit. concrete music) in 1949. He became one of the most renowned composers of his time and the leading creator of electroacoustic music, a new form of expression that he cultivated and celebrated more than any other. Whether great or familiar, sensual or mystical, his music directly appeals to a wide audience, beyond cultural barriers. He has also created a "sound" as individual and recognisable as that of the most famous jazz musicians and imposed a universe of cosmic proportions, a world where the archaic and mythical rub elbows with the familiar, and which sings of the wonders, hopes and fears of our time.

Michel Chion, «  Pierre Henry », Librairie Arthème Fayard 1980/2003

Chronology of works


1968 - Pierre Henry et Maurice Béjart - Copyright Dirk Sanders / ORTF

Les artistes associés

Fidèles au principe de classement de Pierre Henry, qui depuis les origines établit des listes en tous genres, nous avons rassemblé ici, par catégories, les artistes associés à ses œuvres. Il s’agit d’avoir accès...

Affiche de l inauguration du studio Pierre Henry au musée de la musique

Le studio Pierre Henry au Musée de la musique

Le Musée de la musique accueille dans un nouvel espace les instruments, appareils et objets provenant du studio de création de Pierre Henry.